Milky Way
For the duration of the spell, hindering terrain directly in front of the target does not affect the target for the purposes of hindrance or taking damage.
For the duration of the spell, target is affected by Tasha's Hideous Laughter.
Three Musketeers
For the duration of the spell, target receives a +1 competance bonus to all swords that deal piercing damage.
For the duration of the spell, target receives a +4 alchemical bonus to Intelligence.
Shock Tarts
For the duration of the spell, target can shoot a lightning bolt from their fingertips once every round.
For the duration of the spell, target gains +2 to Intimidate and +1 to Strength and Constitution.
Jaw Breakers
For the duration of the spell, target is muted.
For the duration of the spell, target receives +2 to Intelligence and -2 to Wisdom and Charisma. Also gains an additional +6 to all Knowledge skills.
For the duration of the spell, target cannot use their mouth for any purpose, including breathing. Their mouth cannot open.
Mike & Ike
For the duration of the spell, target suffers from multiple personalities that happen to not like one another. Names are obvious.
Heath Bar
For the duration of the spell, target suffers from a fatal drug overdose and dies. Cannot be revived. Will probably win a postmortum Oscar.
For the duration of the spell, target is considered dizzied. Is also nauseated.
Hershey's Bar
For the duration of the spell, target becomes female. If target is already female, they suffer a -4 disorientation penalty to all ability scores, saves, and rolls.
For the duration of the spell, target cannot hold any object (inanimate or live) in their hands for any length of time. Objects cannot be picked up, and objects that are being held at the spell's inception will be immediately dropped.
For the duration of the spell, target suffers a -2 to Wisdom and Intelligence but a +4 to Charisma.
Fun Dip
For the duration of the spell, target is available in three fun flavors with an irritating "candy" stick that tastes awful.
Jolly Rancher
For the duration of the spell, target is transformed into a rotund, happy cowboy, regardless of prior gender. If the target is not already male, they also suffer a -4 disorientation penalty to all ability scores, saves, and rolls.
For the duration of the spell, target suffers 4d6 fire damage to their mouth after ingesting the components. However, nothing happens when they are simply held. ("They melt your mouth, not your hands.")
For the duration of the spell, target can spit rainbows up to 10' (the rainbows have no positive or negative effects on the target or anyone else, for that matter, although they might be fun to ride on). They also have the ability to roll a large ball around and pick up inanimate and animate objects, but only while listening to addictive background music.
For the duration of the spell, objects stick only to the target's skin, but any objects (live or inanimate) will stick. "Butterfinger" will end spell immediately.
For the duration of the spell, target cannot remember any proper nouns (you know, the thingymabobber).
Take 5
Target is allowed to step out of combat (or any situation) for five minutes and recover the same amount of hit points, spell points, and ability damage that they would after having gotten eight continuous hours of rest (can only be used once per day).
Reece's Pieces
For the duration of the spell, target is entirely superfluous, but sure does taste good.
Reece's Peanut Butter Cup
A large, invisible animal takes a bite out of the target (cannot call shots). It cannot be summoned again for 24 hours. Damage is 2d6+spellcaster's level.
For the duration of the spell, target appears to be nearly 100 years old physically. However, they are also chocolate coated, so that's good.
For the duration of the spell, target gains a +10 bonus to Bluff checks.
SourPatch Kids
For the duration of the spell, target becomes Calvin from "Calvin and Hobbes" (AKA small and sour, but sweet deep inside. Very deep inside).
Gummy Bears
For the duration of the spell, target gains the ability to bounce off of any inanimate object that is larger in volume than the target. Also gains +10 to all Jump checks. Negates all falling damage.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
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